How it Works
1. What services does AAATakeCharge provide?
The services we provide include:
- Financial support for one time, emergency expenses directly related to keeping employment such as car repairs, uniform needed for work, replacing a broken cell phone, medication co-pay, childcare, and more. (these will be considered on a case by case basis and our caseworkers can provide more details)
- Detailed job search assistance that is customized to each individual
- Resume prep
- Interview prep
- Job accommodation resources
- Resources for other government support programs such as food stamps, housing, etc
- Benefits counseling
- Goal setting to make sure all goals related to employment are reasonable and attainable
- Budget assistance
- Continued protection from medical reviews when you meet Timely Progress Guidelines
2. Why should I sign up with AAATakeCharge if I'm already working?
The job field is constantly changing and you want to have the support in place to help you navigate the unexpected such as a layoff, the closure of the business you work for, or even realizing that the career field you are working in just isn’t what you ultimately want to do. Starting a relationship with our team early on allows us to get to know you and puts us in a better position to understand your unique situation in the event that you do need our services. Having direct access to a Benefits Counselor is another important reason to sign up. Navigating how your work will affect your benefits is something our Benefits Counselor can help you understand based on your unique situation. We will also provide the ongoing support you need to encourage you in maintaining your employment so you can continue working towards self-sufficiency if possible.
3. How do I sign up to receive services from AAATakeCharge?
You must have a telephone conversation with one of our caseworkers before you can assign your ticket to us. Please click here to schedule an appointment with one of our caseworkers.
4. Why do I need to provide my pay stubs each month?
Providing your pay stubs helps us monitor your progression through the program and is a key indicator when something changes with your employment. We know that you already have to send in your earnings information to Social Security each month but please keep in mind that Social Security doesn’t share your earnings information with us so we must receive copies of your pay stubs from you. Those who send in their pay stubs each calendar quarter will qualify for a $60 gift card to show our appreciation.
5. How can I find more information about the Ticket to Work program?
The goal of the Ticket to Work Program (TTW) is to assist people in reducing their reliance on Social Security disability benefits. TTW promotes increased self-sufficiency and greater independence, for people receiving Social Security disability benefits, through work. For more information on the Ticket to Work Program please visit To talk with an agent at Ticket to Work who can answer questions about the Ticket to Work program call: 1-866-968-7842.
Current Clients Contact Us
Call us at (844) 712-8373 between the hours of 8:30 am to 4:00 pm CST Monday through Friday or email us at